Australia like much of the western nations we relate most easily to face the same deadly crisis: PASSIVITY.
Like the frog in hot water we have allowed our senses to become so dulled to the threats of the broken world in which we live that we are unaware we are slowly dying.
TV, technology, supermarkets, fast food, faster lives, shallow relationships, saturation entertainment, infomercials, longer work hours, longer school hours, less family hours, we possess more and own less of it…
To lead a Christian life is hard even to find the time much less to GO MAKE DISCIPLES.
Here are some of the practices the ministry team believe we should all consider as part of going into the world with the “Good News”:
- Meditate deeply on James statement that “Faith without works is dead” (James 2:18, 20-26).
- What are our gifts and abilities?
- What do you like to do and are there others who like to do that too?
- Is it something you can do together?
- Commit to supporting at least one local discipleship or mission activity – even if it is not part of our church.