But their eyes were holden that they should not know him. Luke 24:16
Two disciples are walking home from Jerusalem to Emmaus a distance of about 11 kilometres (7 miles). They were discussing all the amazing things that had gone on over the last few days, particularly the dashing of their hopes for a new kingdom to be established. Jesus, catches up to them and joins in the conversation however they did not recognise Him.
We too have these experiences where we are so used to seeing someone in their work uniform or in a particular setting that when we see them outside of that we often don’t recognise them or question ourselves whether that person is really who we think it is. Jesus had taken off his earthly uniform which everyone was used to and replaced it with His normal heavenly one.
The disciples walked home to Emmaus in physical daylight but in spiritual darkness however their return to Jerusalem though in physical darkness was in spiritual enlightenment, thanks to Jesus opening their hearts and minds to the Scriptures.
So may your hearts burn within you with the fire of the Holy Spirit as we move onwards from Easter into the year ahead – sure and certain in our faith in God and in the knowledge that the love of Jesus shines through the darkness.
Rev Steve Neuhaus
Eagles Rest Ministries